Rapai Geleng Dance |
Rapai Geleng’s
name is combined from two words. “Rapai and Geleng”. Rapai (rapa-ee) is a
special kind of tambourine used to accompany songs and dances. It made from
wooden frame, with a pair of small metal jingles fixed on it. One of its sides
covered with leather layer. “Geleng” itself is an Acehnese word which means “to
shake one’s head”.
Rapai Geleng is a
dance created especially with this tambourine as its main identity. Almost all
of its moves combined with Rapai beats, which control its speed and movement
types. A song with islamic teachings also accompanies the dance.
Aside of
entertaining the audience, most Acehnese dancer. The songs which accompany the
dance contain messages about local community values, which are strongly
influenced by islamic teaching.
Rapai Geleng
dance has three main section. First section is greeting, in this section the
team is asking for permission to start the performance. Starting with islamic
greeting such as “Salam ‘Alaikom”. Then, second section is the “body” of this dance.
Usually contained the messanges or any other song suited with the occasion. And
the last section, dancers asking for permission to leave and apologizing for
any mistakes mede in the show.
Rapai Geleng
movements basically consist of four types; slow, quick, rapid, and silent.
These types of movement describe the dynamic rhythm of life in any community.
Each community member has to follow the rhythm so there will be no crash
happen. If anyone want to differs, he has to find his own way without blocking
someone else’s way. If not, the rhythm will be ruined, and all the dances will
end in a total mess.
Rapai Geleng is
one of many cultural dances know in Aceh society. But the dance now spread all
over Indonesia, learned and taught in many schools, universities and cultural
Inilah profil singkat tari Rapai Geleng yang sudah dialihbahasakan oleh Keluarga Mahasiswa Aceh Kairo-Mesir. Perkumpulan Keluarga Mahasiswa Aceh ini
memiliki komunitas seni yang digagas oleh mahasiswa-mahasiswa Aceh penggiat seni
pada tahun 2009. Aktifitas komunitas ini semakin menggeliat setelah dibentuknya wadah berupa
Sanggar Aneuk Nanggroe Egypt. Sanggar ini sendiri bernaung langsung di bawah Keluarga Mahasiswa Aceh Kairo-Mesir dan sampai sekarang komunitas sanggar ini masih aktif menyebarkan kesenian indatu Aceh di bumi para nabi ini.
Semoga sinopsis singkat yang saya tulis ulang ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kita semua, terlebih para penggiat seni tari tradisi. Dan tentu besar harapan kita semua agar tarian Rapai Geleng ini segera menyusul Tari Saman Gayo yang telah duluan menggetarkan dunia dan diakui oleh Unesco sebagai warisan budaya dunia tak benda pada Maret 2010 lalu. Semoga.[]
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